Friday, May 22, 2020

The Theme Of Commercialism In White Noise By Don Delillo

â€Å"Life...Made better†, this is promising the slogan for Dash In convenience stores. It is a promise that stopping at their store will improve your life. It is a promise that you are not lying to yourself every time you step through those glass doors. In the book White Noise by Don DeLillo, readers experience the story of this kind of lie and it’s consequences. The story follows an introspective college professor and his dealings with his fear of death. It does so against the background of a busy family life, full of colorful characters. White Noise highlights the truths of humanity in a satirical fashion, expertly weaving the American dream into the troubled psyche of the main character, Jack. White Noise reveals that the modern tools of†¦show more content†¦Everything was fine, would continue to be fine, would eventually get better as long as the supermarket did not slip† (170). The supermarket is an analogy for the human spirit. It represents an und eniable marker of human growth, a reminder that humans are safer from death than ever. The supermarket protects people from the real world because it removes the barriers between humans and a basic component for survival, food. This erasure of a struggle to obtain food does not give humans more time to think because people welcome of the distraction of consumerism. Supermarkets may help ensure the physical survival of humans, but does nothing to improve peoples mental states. People cannot come to terms with death whilst buying a bag of pork rinds. Jack Gladney’s use his job as an armor against the world parallels the actions of people in real life. His thoughts about Hitler are almost like comfort objects to Jack. Hitler’s legacy makes Jack feel safer. Murray confirms this whilst talking to Jack about his imminent death, â€Å"‘Some people are larger than life. Hitler is larger than death’† (287). He reaches the crux of the problem in this statemen t. Jack’s fatal flaw is his reliance on this notorious historical figure to protect him from death. He sacrifices some of his own morals in his pursuit to become the most knowledgeable about Hitler. He overlooks the bad things Hitler has done because he needs to feel justified in his choice of study. This is

Friday, May 8, 2020

Should Teens Have Access Of Birth Control Without Parents

Should teens have access to birth control without parents? Today, sexually active teenagers can get contraceptives to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancies or sexual diseases without a parent’s permission. In some states federal lawmakers have taken away the ability for teens to protect themselves, they want to prevent sexually active teenagers from getting birth control and condoms unless they get parents permission. Preventing teens from getting contraceptives unless they tell a parent will not stop them from having sex. It will drive them away from the services they need to protect themselves, leading to higher rates of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases Allowing teenagers to get contraceptives without parents’ permission encourages them to become sexually active. Teenagers do not become sexually active because they can get contraceptives. Young woman in the U.S. Have been sexually active for at least 22 months before they visit a family planning provider. 47 percent sexually active teenage girls said they would not get health services from clinics if they could not get contraceptives without parent’s permission. Teenage girls have the highest reported rates of chlamydia and other diseases. Close to 900,000 teenagers get pregnant each year. Four out of ten girls get pregnant at least once before they turn twenty. Teenage girls that do not use contraception has a 90 percent chance of getting pregnant within a year. Some forms ofShow MoreRelatedShould Teenage Girls Be Allowed For Access Birth Control Without Parental Consent?920 Words   |  4 Pagesgirls should be allowed to access birth control without parental consent. Each parent has his or her own perspective, and reason behind this issue. Parenting styles help contribute to differing opinions on allowing teenage girls to access birth control without parental consent. Some parents of teenage girls believe they shouldn’t be allowed to access birth control without parental consent because it takes the authority away from them, and promotes sexual activity. Teenage girls can access birth controlRead MoreTeenagers And Birth Control Without Parental Consent897 Words   |  4 PagesTeenagers and Birth Control There are many different opinions on whether teenage girls should be allowed to access birth control without parental consent. Each parent has his or her own perspective, and reason behind this issue. Parenting styles help contribute to different opinions on allowing teenage girls to access birth control without parental consent. Some parents of teenage girls believe they shouldn’t be allowed to access birth control without parental consent because it takes the authorityRead MoreEssay about Should Teens Have Parental Consent to Receive Birth Control?928 Words   |  4 Pagestoday many teens are becoming mothers before they finish high school or before they turn 18. Although some teens are on birth control already many are not because they are afraid to tell their parents which may lead to their parents thinking they are sexually active. Moreover, teens usually find themselves in a professional clinic trying to seek different options of birth control but they are derailed by h aving parental consent or notification. Many clinics have a policy were teen needs to have parentalRead MorePersuasive Essay On Birth Control1288 Words   |  6 Pageswho are married or have previously been pregnant, to consent; four states have no standing laws or policy (â€Å"An Overview† 1-2). The contraceptive access also varies across the country. Some states require comprehensive sexual education and for teens to be able to access contraceptives. Some lean more towards abstinence only education in the hopes teens will steer away from sexual activities. There are also scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control. For many parents, this term conjuresRead MoreBirth Control: With or Without Parental Control Essay958 Words   |  4 Pages(â€Å"the pill†) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent. Nemours, a children’s health organization, created pamphlet for doctors’ offices geared towards parents and teens who have questions about common issues in the realm of sexual health. They define â€Å"the pill† as an oral contraceptive, â€Å"a daily pill that usually contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and is taken to prevent pregnancy.† Other points discussed in the pamphlet include the safety of teen girls taking â€Å"the pill†, itsRead MoreTeenagers Should Have Access to Birth Control Essay979 Words   |  4 Pagessitting across from you and you are afraid what she is going to think of you when you answer â€Å"Yes.† to the question. You want to do the right thing and get on birth control to be safe, but you know your mom will say no. Girls in the 21st century should have the right to protect themselves with any sort of birth control they choose without parents’ consent. About 40 percent of sexually active teenagers admit to not using any form of protection (like a condom) during their last session. Behavior likeRead MoreBirth Control : Who Controls?1159 Words   |  5 PagesBirth Control: Who Controls? â€Å"Should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?† Outline: -Thesis Statement- Teenagers should not be required to have permission from their parents to receive birth control. Religious Beliefs: -Sex before marriage -Encouraging the child to have sex -Against God’s will (IT’S A SIN) Communications with teens/parents -Wanting to know from a parent’s perspective -Asking the teen â€Å"why† -Social problems leading to crisis explosionRead MoreTeens Getting Birth Control Without Parental Consent Essays1057 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 2012 Teens Getting Birth Control Without Parental Consent Currently Teenagers are trying to grow up too quickly. They want to be just like the TV characters they idolize and will change themselves to do so. There are shows on TV like â€Å"16 and pregnant† that basically insinuate; if you have sex and get pregnant then you will get paid to be on television. Most teens do not go to their parents for birth control because they are afraid. In general teenagers do not want their parents knowing theyRead MoreConsidering The Ethics Of Minors And Birth Control1281 Words   |  6 PagesMinors and Birth Control Introduction A 16-year-old girl visits a birth control clinic and asks to be put on the pill. Since she is a minor, the clinic doctor who writes the prescription for her notifies her parents of the action. As of the year 2016, there are only 26 states that allow minors to obtain contraceptives without parental consent. There are 20 states that allow certain minors to obtain contraceptives without parental consent and those include minors that are married or who have alreadyRead MoreBirth Control: Available to Teens? Essay647 Words   |  3 Pagesyear (â€Å"Facts†). Teenage birth specialists have often debated whether or not teenagers should have access to birth control and other contraceptives. Although some people think teenagers having birth control will promote promiscuity, birth control should be accessible to teens because they will put themselves at a higher risk for disease and pregnancy without it, and more teenage girls would get a high school diploma with it. Those who disagree think providing birth control promotes promiscuity and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Perfect Breakfast Free Essays

The Perfect Breakfast Nowadays people don’t give making breakfast at home a second thought. With places like McDonalds and Burger King how could you think about cooking? These fast food restaurants have made many people lazy when it comes to cooking. Eating artificial eggs and meat, that’s not real food, that’s a waste of money. We will write a custom essay sample on The Perfect Breakfast or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a passionate breakfast eater, were going to tell you confused and deceived people how to prepare your breakfast at home. The ingredients you are going to need are†¦. Turkey Bacon, water, butter, pancake mix, eggs, bread. The utensils you’re going to need are a toaster, a pan, a baking pan, spatula and a skillet. The first thing you’re going to do is prepare the turkey bacon. You’re going to preheat your oven at 350. Next place some wax paper in the flat pan, and then place the strips of bacon on the wax paper. Put the bacon in the oven for about 10 minutes or less. After the bacon is finished take it out the oven. The next thing is preparing the pancakes. To prepare the cakes you’re going to need butter, water, pan, a spatula, and the pancake mix. The first step to making pancakes is preheating the pan place a small amount of butter in the pan. The butter gives the pancakes flavor and stops them from sticking to the pan. Next mix about a half cup of water with your pancake mix and after the butter has melted some, pour small amounts of the mix in the pan. Flip the cakes over about every minute or until you see bubbles forming on the top. When this process is complete, take them out of the pan and place them on a plate. Stack them to the perfect height, and prepare to go to pancake heaven! Next are the eggs and there’s two ways you can cook your eggs, Sunnyside up, or scrambled. To prepare the eggs you’re going to need cooking oil, about four eggs, a skillet and a spatula. The first thing you do is preheat your skillet and put ? tablespoon of the cooking oil into the pan. Then you check your eggs and put them in a bowl and beat them until, you feel satisfied. After the skillet is ready you pour the eggs into the skillet and fry them until they are a bright yellow color, or to your satisfaction. Last, but not least is the toast. Preparing toast is quiet simple. You will need a toaster oven, bread in the toaster, press the level, let the bread brown, or until you are satisfied. After the toast is toasted apply small amounts of butter or as much as you feel is needed. Then pour up a cold refreshing glass of VA orange juice. After all that, your perfect breakfast is done and now it’s time to eat! How to cite The Perfect Breakfast, Papers